Gelex Law Firm at 10th ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition in ParisMr. Fabio Esposito - Partner of GELEX Dispute Resolution Department - will take part as Judge at 10th ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition to be held in Paris from 5 up to 12 February 2015 ( Mr. Esposito is a well reputed expert of ADR, assists Italian and foreign companies in all phases (including pre-litigation advice; risk assessment and settlement negotiations) of arbitration (domestic and int’l) and ordinary litigation procedures concerning insurance matters, banking & financial disputes, sale of goods contracts, construction contracts. He has also advised and acted in relation to interim relief in support of such claims, particularly freezing orders. Mr. Espositohas acted in several int’l mediations as attorney and mediator as well.
Insurance assistance.A Gelex team coordinated by Mr. Fabio Esposito is currently assisting a foreign insurance company in several claims concerning a complex insurance financial litigation. Banking Litigation assistance.A Gelex Team - made up of Banking & Litigation experts - is currently assisting foreign corporations in challenging freezing orders obtained by Italian suppliers aimed at preventing the cashing of bonds and/or bank guarantees. Annual Christmas Concert.Global Executive Lex Law Firm is proud to annouce the organization of annual Christmas Concert on 18th December in San Marcellino.
For early bookings please contact us by email : This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Corporate compliance commitment.Gelex Law Firm has obtained by a foreign automotive company a commitment to draft the Management and Control Models required by Italian Decree 231. The activities will involve several departments (litigation, White collar crimes, corporate, regulatory). |
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